African organizations
Civil society monetary think and do tanks
New Economics Foundation
This British foundation has outstanding specialists such as James Robinson in its ranks.
Rethinking finance
This group brings together various civil society projects dealing with finance.
The Bretton Woods Project
This 'think and do' tank provides briefs, analyses etc than can be used by other groups. They focus on the World Bank and the IMF
Climate crisis analyses and policies
Economic crisis analyses and policies
G2 Patnership Wokring Group
IIMT Network
Local monetary arrangements
Besides intellilgent discussions on money, credit and debt, this website of Thomas H. Greco specializes in local exchange trading sysems. Mr. Greco is also the author of Money: Understanding and Creat
Integrated approaches
The New Economics Foundation
This British think and do tank is home of economist and former monetary government official James Robertson. It is one of the preeminent organizations that has an integrated approach to present day crises and challenges
International environmental organizations
International trade
Citizens Trade Campaign
Though this very broad citizens group, established after the 1992 Seattle protests, is mostly an US organization with many state chapters, it is closely linked to Global Trade Watch which operates internationally and provides the scientific underpinning of other citizens' effort.
Trade watch of the US Public Citizen organization
This organization has been a leader in critically evaluating the WTO.
World Fair Trade Organization
This organization which evolved out of the International Federation of Fair Trade in October 2008 is an alternative to the WTO: HellO, WFTO, Bye WTO.
Major environmental organizations in USA
Monetary Institutions
International Monetary Fund
The International Monetary Fund was established as part of the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944. According the Terra Solution and its TIMU architecture the IMF is to be transformed in the TIMU World Ce
TOP TEN links Spring09